Monday, December 24, 2012

sitting alone

Sitting alone

I am wondering why…

I am so addled

And lost inside…

Where are my friends

And where are my foes

One of you, come join me

It is such a long lazy day.. I am so much bored.

It happens sometimes out of nowhere

Things go slow and I get all low

Jus hold on to me for that very while

I have this strange belief

That it is nothing more than a phase in life

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The hilarious case of missed callers and crank callers

Initially the whole matter irked me, vexed me and then I thought what the heck. If your count is unending then we must find a way to deal you. After a small brainstorming I realized that in real you need help maybe some serious counseling. You are mentally not sound enough to understand and implement some basic civic code of conduct.

When I draw a fish bone diagram of your attribute, I see you as one lovelorn, loser by choice, big time failure in life, lazy, insecure, scared, destructive mind and a loner with maybe some sidekicks. Interestingly you are so much bored from yourself that it gives you immense pleasure in disturbing the smooth life especially the sleep of a complete stranger. Though your case is sad and sympathizing bout somehow I find it hilarious because you are very well aware of the sad reality and still leave no chance to prove the claim of others wrong. You take full pride and put full efforts in demonstrating your shortsighted, less active brain. And I can only laugh about it.

Another hilarious point to be noted is that in all cases you are always a guy, and in my opinion a very frustrated one.  You are brash enough to publicly acknowledge the same and imprudent enough to further wane your state.  You are a true hopeless, barbarian person with complete uncool personality but you are in the fallacy that you are a dude that is another hysterical note about you. You also have traits of an owl as you are more active during the night.

Well what shall I write now? You don’t have anything left, no versatility at all. All that you are I have already mentioned. I just hope that some day you stop making a fool of yourself and enjoy life like a normal person. You can however continue to waste your time and behave dumb disturb us normal people with new numbers because luckily technology has abled us enough to abjure you without much of an effort. I can in return have all the fun laughing on your nonsensical uttering with my gang during my leisure time.